Digital Video - Nik Peachey

Digital Video

von Nik Peachey

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2015-08-01
  • Genre: MZGenre.Textbooks.ComputersInternet.DigitalMedia


Digital Video is a 400 page multimedia manual for language teachers to help them build activities, courses and engaging materials for their students. From exploiting mobile apps on handheld devices to building video into blended and task based learning, Digital Video covers it all.
With detailed technical support through a range of 26 tutorial videos, illustrated step-by-step guides and more than forty lesson examples and over 300 images, teachers can use this manual to build their confidence and find some of the best free video applications and resources online.
Whether you are a novice teacher or an experienced trainer looking to develop your tech skills, this manual can help you with plain English explanations and practical online and face to face classroom suggestions.