The Rise and Fall of Email - David Edgar

The Rise and Fall of Email

von David Edgar

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-02-25
  • Genre: Politik und Zeitgeschehen


For the first time, the missing history of email and the technology war for the most significant development in connecting humanity since the invention of the telephone. Learn the shocking truth about email’s rise and ultimate corruption by the Clinton administration at the White House. Determine if email’s future, as we know it, maybe at an end.

Experience an unparalleled journey into technology and science, battling legendary companies, pushing past them to be the first to bridge all of email together. Learn the theories that would topple the industry’s technical masters and wreck their plans to charge money for every email message. See the tactical strategies of companies like IBM, Novell, DEC, MCI, AT&T and Microsoft as they all maneuvered to take over email. Watch as one after the other fall in combat, all failing to capture the great email prize. Realize how their disasters opened the door for the Internet to slip in and win the war.

Be on hand as email develops into one of the most important forms of communication so critical that when email breaks down, everything collapses. Go inside the email world of the Associated Press, World Bank, Postal Service, Avery-Dennison, Danish Ministry, and many others. Watch how the millions of email islands become connected forming the super continent needed for full globalization.

Witness White House email from its construction to its disgraceful failure. Learn the details of the White House “Mail2 Problem”, the first Clinton email scandal. This firsthand account uncovers the real truth about President Clinton’s secret “Project X” plan to confuse investigators and cover-up an email conspiracy. Discover where Hillary Clinton learned to corrupt email accountability and why she needed a private email server when she served as Secretary of State.

Calculate the real price of free email and how flaws in its protocol are subjecting all of us to terrible peril by allowing criminals, hackers, and politicians to go unchecked and unchallenged rampaging freely through one of mankind’s most crucial forms of digital communication. What everybody needs to know about email and the dangers that lurk within the depths of its creation.