Organic Surgery, Lipofilling, PRP, SVF, PRS - Jerome Stevens

Organic Surgery, Lipofilling, PRP, SVF, PRS

von Jerome Stevens

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-08-01
  • Genre: Medizin


Finally after many years of work, both in the lab as well as in the clinic, it is a privilege to be able to share the latest on what I like to call Organic Surgery: Lipofilling, Platelet Rich Plasma, Stroma Vascular Fraction (formerly known as Adipose Derived Stem Cells) and the combination of the latter two: Platelet Rich Stroma - the full regeneration system in a syringe within 45 minutes!
Everything you need to know on the use of 100% autologous treatment modalities for filling and regeneration, for any physician as far as I am concerned.
Update yourself on all relevant aspects: the Cause Based 1.2.3.Dimensional Concept; historical and scientific perspectives, and most important of all: complete comprehensive instructional videos demonstrating Step-by-Step how to Do it Yourself!
Initially for cosmetic surgery, these innovative techniques are presented in such a way they become available now for any physician, (orthopedic or general) surgeon, dermatologist or medical doctor interested in regeneration, offering your patients new treatment options like: 'Repair Yourself' and 'Repair before Replace'.
This eBook, consisting of 3 parts, is meant to be the ultimate 'value for money' deal: Add only one of these new treatment modalities to your clinical practice and your initial expenses for buying the eBook is earned back already.
Improve your surgical skills if you are already familiar with Lipofilling or increase your insight on options you previously only heard about benefitting from more than 200 step-by-step videos, (interactive) pictures, slideshows and cartoons!
Last but not least, you will receive continuous updates for free for every eBook that is downloaded (for at least the next 2 years)! All that for a single one off payment for this eBook! This is something classical textbooks cannot offer you. Become an active participant as you see fit, share your visions and see it in print in future updates.
I sincerely hope that you will enjoy this new interactive platform for sharing all the fascinating topics covering Organic Surgery and I am very confident that you and your patients will derive serious benefits from this!
Jerome Stevens, MD PhD
Plastic Surgeon