BIOGRAPHY - Thomas Casey


von Thomas Casey

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2018-07-13
  • Genre: Biografien und Memoiren


This chapter pays tribute to relatives and friends who have led successful lives.  Success may be defined not only by wealth, power, fame, or reputation.  It is also being able to realize desires and results and accomplishing goals .  All of the following people achieved success in different ways. All were able to experience lives on their own terms. They each had a passion for what they were doing and they made, or are making, a contribution to the society of their time (giving back).  I will briefly describe their accomplishments.  Each of their biographies would fill a very detailed book so I must summarize.  I dedicate this chapter to them because they have had an impact on my life and I believe that a person’s life evolves from inheritance, experiences, and from the mentoring of friends, relatives, and associates.