It's Not What You've Got - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

It's Not What You've Got

von Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2007-09-21
  • Genre: Geld für Kinder


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, the internationally best-selling author and lecturer, has written a new book in his series of inspirational books for kids. It's Not What You've Got addresses the topics of money and abundance, with the understanding that children’s earliest thoughts and perceptions about money are those that will last throughout their lives.

The concepts presented in this beautifully illustrated book include:
· Money does not define who you are. 
· It doesn't matter what others have.
· Abundance comes in many forms.

Unlike most books on this subject, It’s Not What You've Got is not a how-to manual on spending and saving for kids, but rather a positive, spiritual approach to the meaning of money.