Tall Babies is a work of fiction, with all that implies. It is a story of contemplation by a woman named Sybil on her public and private behavior as well as her life, and is offered as a testimonial to strong women everywhere. Sybil would be the first to admit she was a sociopath, which she did confess to me shortly before she died. I told her I’ve known that for years.
Tall Babies is about self-centered determination and absolute acceptance of ones’ imperfections. “You can’t truly change who you are. But you can profit by it.”
Tall Babies does contain some sex, for Sybil always mixed business with pleasure for thirty-four years before retiring her stable of ‘boys’. Sybil isn’t an erotic tale of sexual explorations or expectations, or some ‘50 Shades’ of fantasies. It is a story of one woman who strove to make wealthy men feel more confident, more aggressive in business, better husbands or boyfriends, and, most importantly, fulfilled her need to be loved and to give love in return. While allowing her to make a buck or two doing so. What's the harm in that?