3D Animation with Final Cut Pro X - Tom Langmacher

3D Animation with Final Cut Pro X

von Tom Langmacher

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2019-08-05
  • Genre: Film


Learn to animate 3D Models, Shapes and Titles in Final Cut Pro X and Motion using the Eneo3D FxPlug.  Animate Shapes and Titles with Geometry Shaders.  Use sophisticated animated Surface Materials complete with surface Bump and Emission maps.  Create Reflections and custom Light Gobos for realistic shadows and scenes.  Animate parameters with Motion keyframes and behaviors for limitless possibilities.
Easily create a Scene with a Reflective Floor and Scrim types.  Import animated 3D models and build your own 3D objects using 2D shapes. This book contains 3D objects and a ton of animated content!