Music Business - Introbooks Team

Music Business

von Introbooks Team

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2019-11-20
  • Genre: Musik


The music business is part of the entertainment industry, asegment Billion dollars worldwide, surpassing the automotivesector in sales, behind only the defense industry. Artists andsmall producers do not have specific knowledge and skills toundertake their own business or to manage their career. Thisstudy sought to address the main issues in the areas of themusic industry, entrepreneurship, finance, and marketingWeseek to present the issues through a simple language, usingconcrete examples and making critical remarks. The productionchain of music is based primarily on two products: the discand the show. The decline in record sales has turned the showon the main source of income for artists today.Entrepreneurship today comes as a response to unemployment,both for a newly formed 22 years of age, as well as a recentlyfired 40 years. Undertake means doing a project. The first stepis to prepare the business plan. You need to control costs,have a competitive profit margin and calculate the taxesinvolved in each operation to benefit from the business andlongevity in the artistic career. No organization survives on themarket without a positive final balance. Selling records theshows is a strategy to earn two products recipe with a uniqueopportunity. The internet is a means to promote and sellmusic. It is a way to circumvent the commercial radio and putthe products available to the world at no cost with stock andcommission. All of this is marketing. In the final part of thework, we present a business plan template for a music band.The information entered in the program reflect the reality ofthe Brazilian market. The business model is prepared bynational laws that favor microenterprise and small business.