Trying to be who we really are is in essence difficult, since we do not know where to start, much less where to go… which makes this noble intention something “mysterious” that escapes the known parameters of thinking and feeling… In short, we get stuck in finding the answers in the linearity of our consciousness…, but our instincts try to help us by hinting at us the need to learn what the new energy is teaching us… It is in these teachings where we will find the paths that guide us to the interdimensional portals that will lead us to the new multidimensional reality of humanity… Only in the illumination of our thinking, our feeling, our actions and our speech will we manage to dispel the darkness of the linearity of the dimension in which we live to really see who we are… in other words, “expands our consciousness.” Let's explore together this attempt to open ourselves to the world of available information with the intention of exploring the unknown… knowing that we do not know what we do not know and therefore, we do not have to fear anything…