Honor Begins at Home - Bible Study eBook - Michael Catt & Alex Kendrick

Honor Begins at Home - Bible Study eBook

von Michael Catt & Alex Kendrick

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2021-06-03
  • Genre: Christianity


Honor Begins at Home Bible Study eBook includes electronic content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” a leader guide, and tips for leading a group.

Inspired by the movie COURAGEOUS, this Bible study takes individuals, spouses, or small groups into biblical truths for a godly family. You’ll explore topics such as redeeming your history, walking with integrity, winning and blessing the hearts of your children, and more. Every session involves watching a clip from the movie to help group members engage in discussion. Optional readings from the COURAGEOUS product family can help deepen your understanding of each week’s topics.

Session topics:
1. Accepting Responsibility
2. Embracing Your Identity
3. Redeeming Your History
4. Walking in Integrity
5. Serving and Protecting
6. Winning and Blessing Their Hearts
7. Leaving a Legacy
8. Surrounding Yourself with Accountability

● Eight small group sessions
● Content written by the creators of the COURAGEOUS movie
● Brief optional reading suggestions for more practical help or topic exploration
● Free downloadable video clips for group or private viewing

● Study as an individual, a group, or together with your spouse.
● Build your family and group relationships.
● Grow as a godly family.
● Make new commitments as parents.
● Preserve integrity within your family.
● Point your children toward Christ.
● Develop relationships of accountability.
● Produce a legacy of faithfulness in your family.