How to Deal with Toddlers Tantrums - Ann R. Sutton

How to Deal with Toddlers Tantrums

von Ann R. Sutton

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2021-09-21
  • Genre: Kindererziehung


One of the most challenging periods in raising children is during their toddler years. However, tantrums are not only challenging to the parent; they are also puzzling to the child. The toddler years are the most challenging, so you have to girt up your loins and get prepared because it is time to get dirty. Though this period is usually very challenging, it is also advantageous if well managed. To succeed during this stage, you have to understand your child’s challenge. At age two, your child is going through very severe changes in their brain. This is also the time they learn about their environment and learn how to get along with people. At this point, they do not have a good understanding of how to communicate; for this reason, they adopt tantrums as a way to express their emotions. Though the tantrums stage feels like forever, there are things a parent can consciously do to minimize their occurrences and as time goes on, manage them when they occur and speed up the phase so that their children can start living a tantrum-free life. What to expect in this book: 1. Managing tantrums 1.1 How to handle tantrums when they appear 1.2 Magic words to calm them during tantrums 1.3 How to get them to cooperate with you 2. Preventing tantrums 2.1 How to avoid tantrums before they appear 2.2 How to get them to listen 2.3 How to teach self-control to toddlers 3. Temperaments and how they can help you 3.1 Temperaments and how they affect your kid 3.2 How to use your child’s temperament to your advantage 4. Behavior management 4.1 Tips and tricks for behavior management in toddlers 4.2 Dealing with persistent and severe attitude in toddlers 5. Speeding up the tantrum phase 5.1 Ways to teach your child self-regulation 5.2 Quick ways to develop your kid’s brain 6. Better parenting 6.1 How to stay in shape while parenting a toddler 6.2 Don’t go too hard – how to loosen the grip of parenting without letting it go 6.2.1 How to control your anger while parenting a toddler 6.3 The don’ts of child upbringing And much more...