Your Transformation in C.G. Jung's Psychology - Andrzej Kuźmicki

Your Transformation in C.G. Jung's Psychology

von Andrzej Kuźmicki

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2021-10-11
  • Genre: Psychologie


Jungian psychologist, hypnotherapist, Andrew Kuzmicki, PhD, describes in this book a path of your psychological growth and the principles of your deep unconscious transformation. He also develops Carl Jung’s model of the psychic structures in the light of the contemporary psychiatric studies. In the book you will find not only the details of your process of individuation towards becoming fully integrated psychological wholeness, but also your insights will be enriched with ancient and contemporary symbolic representations of this process, to make your reading more inviting, engaging and fun. Through this mixture of a simple explanation of the Jungian terms and the symbolic representations of the archetypal visionary, Kuzmicki makes not only the Jungian concepts more accessible to you, but also demonstrates how you can follow your path towards your flourishing wholeness - towards your greater Self.