Tesla's Stepdaughters - Wesley Allison

Tesla's Stepdaughters

von Wesley Allison

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2010-05-02
  • Genre: Historische Krimis


In an alternate 1975, where men are almost extinct due to germ warfare, someone is trying to kill history's greatest rock & roll band. It falls to Science Police Agent John Andrews, only recently arrived from the distant male enclaves, to protect them. As the band continues their come-back tour across North America, Andrews must negotiate a complicated relationship with Ep!phanee, the band's lead singer; drummer Ruth De Molay, bassist Steffie Sin, and the redheaded clone lead guitarist Penny Dreadful, as he protects them and tries to discover who wants to kill the Ladybugs.

This newly revised and edited, and contains the complete guide to the world and music of the Ladybugs.