The scene in the kitchen had been horrible enough. But it was Dad's lingo that remained fixed in his memory. Paulie's father described his mother as "you friggin' vampire." But had she really been transformed into a Sapphocan?
What's more, is it a question of self-empowerment or merely supernatural bloodlust. You'll have to decide.
Was mom one of those cannibalistic hybrids that they called a Sapphocan? Did her blood soaked aprons reveal any of the "Secrets of the Sapphocans?"
As the author divulges bits and pieces of an ancient folk tale, his dread mounts as the scenes grow more graphic. However, one lingering question remained: Was mom one of "them?"
Sapphocans apparently secured their life force from ingested flesh,rich in blood.Was that the answer to the family's bizarre meals and the butchered animal in the cellar?
This is the first in the bizarre trilogy of the Sapphocans.