Sex for Salvation - Adam Weishaupt

Sex for Salvation

von Adam Weishaupt

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2011-10-24
  • Genre: Religion und Spiritualität


Warning: this book contains strong adult content. The pagan world has always known that sex offers a route to salvation. Abrahamism, on the other hand, has demonised sex and made it dirty and shameful. It's time to get the West back on board with the sexual agenda. Read about Schopenhauer, the great metaphysician of sex. What was the "orgasm theory" of Wilhelm Reich? Is the Milky Way the cosmic ejaculation of God? In a wide-ranging study of sex, the Pythagorean Illuminati, the oldest secret society in the world, discuss Jim Morrison's notorious Miami gig, how to become Midas, and how to shed sexual inhibition. Take a sexual journey that stops off at: St Augustine, Diogenes, Islam, Fascism, the Royal Wedding, Dionysus, the female Lucifer, kundalini, karezza, and tantric sex. Did the Christians debate whether woman had souls and whether they could even be considered human? How does Eros power the soul? What is the ancient religion of Orphism and its significance to the Illuminati?