GTD + R - Kenji Ota


von Kenji Ota

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2012-01-20
  • Genre: Management und Mitarbeiterführung


This guide provides an easily way for starting GTD and keeping doing it for the person who is trying 
to start GTD, or who tried it, but doesn't work. 
I am a software engineer. I always need to thrash out the tasks in my work. 
I list up the operation as task, check it it's done or not, and know the progress for the project. 
The thrashing out the tasks is the most important factor for that the project goes well. 
GTD declare the process how to act with the complete details. 
"Collecting" -> "Handling" -> "Arrangement" -> "Review" -> "Exception" 
It is easy way to clear up the work flow for anybody. And all you need is paper and pencil. 
"LifeHacks" is appropriate word for it. 
But, I realized it's really hard to keep doing it. There is no problem during the process "Collect". 
And we have to write it down to another piece of paper in the processes, "Handling", and 
"Arrangement". It's really troublesome. We get stressed by writing the task twice. 
And it is also hard to connect task and schedule. If the task has to be done at some later date, you need to entry the task to your schedule of your notebook or PC. But it is going to be troublesome. It is hard to connect task and schedule smoothly. 
Recently there are some ways to digitalize GTD. There is the way which you manage TODO on the web or with the cell phone. The other way is managing mail as tasks by using Gmail. 
I used to manage TODO and schedule by using PDA. But it was so hard to keep doing it because I got some stressed by writing the data. 
I had to turn on the PDA, open the scheduler, input the characters, and save it only for 20 characters. 
I guess this is the problem why I couldn't keep doing it. 
So, I made new way "GTD for anybody, and be easy to keep doing"