Understanding Russian and Soviet Foreign Policy from a Geocultural Perspective (Book Review) - Kritika

Understanding Russian and Soviet Foreign Policy from a Geocultural Perspective (Book Review)

von Kritika

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2011-01-01
  • Genre: Geschichte


Oleg Ken, Aleksandr Rupasov, and Lennart Samuelson. Shvetsiia v politike Moskvy 1930-1950egody (Sweden in Moscow's Foreign Policy, 1930-1950s). 447 pp. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2005. ISBN 5824306656. Robert Legvold, ed., Russian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century and the Shadow of the Past. 544 pp. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. ISBN-13 978-0231141222. $55.00.