Icebreaker Redux: The Debate on Stalin's Role in World War II Continues (Book Review) - Kritika

Icebreaker Redux: The Debate on Stalin's Role in World War II Continues (Book Review)

von Kritika

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2010-06-22
  • Genre: Geschichte


Bernhard H. Bayerlein, "Der Verrater, Stalin, bist Du!": Vom Ende der linken Solidaritat. Komintern und kommunistische Parteien im Zweiten Weltkrieg, 1939-1941 ("Stalin, You Are a Traitor!": From the End of Left Solidarity. The Comintern and Communist Parties in World War II, 1939-41). 540 pp. Berlin: Aufbau, 2008. ISBN 978-3351026233. 29.95 [euro]. Patrick J. Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. xxi + 518 pp. New York: Crown, 2008. ISBN-13 978-0307405159 (cloth, out of print); New York: Three Rivers Press, 2009. ISBN-13 978-0307405166, $20.00 (paper).