Out of Solitary Confinement: The History of the Gulag (Istoriia Stalinskogo Gulaga: Konets 1920Kh-Pervaia Polovina 1950Kh Godov, Sobranie Dokumentov, 7 Vols.) (The History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror) (Gulag: Life and Death Inside Soviet Concentration Camps) (Book Review) - Kritika

Out of Solitary Confinement: The History of the Gulag (Istoriia Stalinskogo Gulaga: Konets 1920Kh-Pervaia Polovina 1950Kh Godov, Sobranie Dokumentov, 7 Vols.) (The History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror) (Gulag: Life and Death Inside Soviet Concentration Camps) (Book Review)

von Kritika

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2007-01-01
  • Genre: Geschichte


Iu. N. Afanas'ev et al., eds., Istoriia stalinskogo Gulaga: Konets 1920kh-pervaia polovina 1950kh godov. Sobranie dokumentov, 7 vols. [History of the Stalinist Gulag: The End of the 1920s to the First Half of the 1950s. A Collection of Documents]. Moscow: Rosspen, 2004-5. ISBN 5824306044 (set). Individual titles and editors for each volume in notes. Oleg Khlevniuk, The History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror. Translated by Vadim A. Staklo. 464 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. ISBN 0300092849. $45.00.