Right now organisers of sailing regattas everywhere are busy trying to catch the future by its tail. They are thinking about how to integrate the web into their event marketing. They are desperate to get more TV coverage and build their profile on the web
And yet the audience has moved on. Young people spend more time on their mobile devices than watching TV. They want to interact with the media they are consuming.
If the sport of sailing is to fulfil its ambition to grow and compete with other sports for the attention of young people then it has to become relevant to them. It has to go out of its way to appeal to them. It has to be available on the platforms they are using. We do not have to tamper with the spirit of sailing but we do have to change how we market the sport.
Sailing needs to play to its strengths by letting technology show them to an audience keen for new experiences
To do this successfully, sailing has to invest time and effort in creating its very own unique strategy ~ that uses the latest technology ~ to take LIVE action off the race course and onto the screens of mobile devices. No one else will do this for us...
The Real Time Digital Dashboard is our contribution.