Vampire Slave 3 - Yamila Abraham

Vampire Slave 3

von Yamila Abraham

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2012-07-22
  • Genre: Erotik


Explicit Adult Content! Back in New York Dusty and Thalos have a moment to catch their breaths. Dusty faces insubordination at Vampire Poison. He goes to Thalos for comfort. A tender act cements the two as a couple. Thalos grows hopeful that Dusty may be the one to end his period of loneliness. Thalos brings in vampire allies to help them against Johann. The noble vampires at Thalos’ academy try work with Vampire Poison, but the officers treat them like scum and promise to destroy them. They want a treaty. No one at Vampire Poison is willing to budge an inch on this, including Dusty. While they bicker Johann is able to unleash even more havoc.