Class Mate 2 (Conclusion) - Yamila Abraham

Class Mate 2 (Conclusion)

von Yamila Abraham

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2012-10-12
  • Genre: Erotik


Explicit Adult Content! The 76 page conclusion! Teacher Mr. Taggert and student Duncan struggle to keep their love a secret at Chambridge Academy. Duncan refuses to wait until graduation to be with him. With the malevolent Ms. Gray hawking their every move Taggert is at his wits end.

Layer upon layer of complications beset the two lovers. They find they aren’t just separated by age, but by class. This is a reflection of their community. While the poor burn in a foundry accident the wealthy gossip and judge. Taggert and Duncan know their union will either become a bridge between the two worlds—or they’ll be run out of town.