In circles cycles in the air, poet Turgut A. Akter shares with the reader his version of the interior life of the poet, his quest of the psyche, and the stirrings of the soul as it seeks identity with that which is universal.
The poem on the road, recounts the difficulties of this quest, the failure of communication, of unreachable goals: “aiming high claiming he peak but instant
y fell below.” It is the “walled garden of eternal truth” the poet seeks, where he can become with all and transcend the realm of the finite. Here we partake of those glimpses of the beyond vouchsafed the ever-seeking poet, which dazzle the senses yet make “insidious doubt tolerable.”
A remarkable collection of poetry that is uniquely personal in its insight into the soul of the creative artist and the intolerable yet wildly fascinating journey he undergoes in attempting to probe the inner reaches of the soul and that which lies beyond.