Dead Man's Chest - David Sherman

Dead Man's Chest

von David Sherman

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2013-03-18
  • Genre: Krimis und Thriller


Ham Eliot is a down-on-his-luck freelance magazine writer who finds lost or misplaced objects to supplement his writing income. He soon encounters Sindi DiWagne, a duplicitous blonde who leads him on a search for a purloined map she claims shows the way to treasure buried by the notorious pirate Blackbeard. Arrayed against Ham and Sindi are "Mister Big," a businessman who made his fortune by manipulating money, and lost it through some bad dealings. Mr. Big goes into the manufacture and distribution of designer drugs to regain his wealth. He also wants the treasure map. Mr. Big's muscle is provided by a trio of goons, Kallir, Hondo, and Moose. Mr. Big wants Ham out of the way, and his goons eventually make several attempts on Ham's life. By the time the story reaches its conclusion, many of the principals meet untimely ends. Adding to the action is Ham's favorite night spot, the Side Car Club. The Side Car is a curious club that sometimes hosts musical acts, some on their way up, others on their way back down, and some that never made it big but haven't given up. On other nights it has "dancing girls" shimmying on its stages and circulating for tips from the customers. The story is set in 1992; it was a different world then.