Growing Up Online - NBC News

Growing Up Online

von NBC News

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2013-04-26
  • Genre: Kindererziehung


Our children are growing up in a digital world with technology right at their fingertips. They’re spending more and more time on the web—so teaching them safe and responsible online behavior is critical. As a media and entertainment company, NBCUniversal is committed to educating parents, teachers and children on using technology responsibly and safely.

That’s why we’ve created Growing Up Online: A Must Have Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Kids, a book on digital literacy and Internet safety and the first release from The More You Know Learning Series in partnership with NBC News. The book was developed with guidance from Common Sense Media and NetSmartz Workshop – the leading organizations in these areas.

Growing Up Online provides a media-rich learning tool for parents and teachers of children 6-9 years old, as well four video comic book stories for kids. This two-part guide features easy-to-use and compelling content, engaging instructional videos, discussion questions and key takeaways for conversations about issues of concern. The first part, The Parent Primer, prepares parents for discussions with their children about responsible Internet behavior. Part two, the Parents + Kids Section, contains four entertaining video comic stories focused on real-life situations that may arise when kids go online.

Growing up online...The more you know!