Yoni Love 101: A Guide to Holistic Sexual Self-Care for Women - Juliet Terblanche

Yoni Love 101: A Guide to Holistic Sexual Self-Care for Women

von Juliet Terblanche

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2023-02-27
  • Genre: Selbstverwirklichung


I think most of us would agree that we have spent far more time and money on every other kind of self-care compared to our sexual self-care!

We take out expensive gym contracts, spend a small fortune on hair and body products and are very happy to spend a couple of the hours at the spa or hairdresser being waxed or styled according to our own personal aesthetic! All of which, don't get me wrong, is great! Moving our bodies is vital and looking good makes us feel good – so I'm all for any of the above. But there are other parts of our body that work really hard and don't get anywhere near the attention they deserve.

The regular care of our reproductive organs generally remains hidden and ignored, and is only given any attention when we either have sexual health issues or we fall pregnant and all of a sudden expect our bodies to perform the rather miraculous task of growing and giving birth to a healthy baby.

But what if, instead of waiting for one of those two things to happen, we actually took care of our sexual health on a regular basis? And in doing so, keeping our reproductive organs in tip-top condition as well as creating a far happier, more turned-on and creative life in the process?

That's what is possible when we implement a regular, holistic sexual self-care routine. In this ebook I am going to talk you through what we can do to maintain (or restore) vibrant sexual health  in a holistic way – and why this is so important on so many levels.