Make Something Wonderful - Steve Jobs

Make Something Wonderful

von Steve Jobs

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2023-04-11
  • Genre: Biografien und Memoiren
Score: 4.5
bei 291 Bewertungen


A curated collection of Steve’s speeches, interviews and correspondence, Make Something Wonderful offers an unparalleled window into how one of the world’s most creative entrepreneurs approached his life and work.

Across the pages of this book, Steve shares his perspective on his childhood, on launching and being pushed out of Apple, on his time with Pixar and NeXT, and on his ultimate return to the company that started it all.

Featuring an introduction by Laurene Powell Jobs and edited by Leslie Berlin, founding executive director of the Steve Jobs Archive, this beautiful handbook is designed to inspire readers to make their own “wonderful somethings” that move the world forward.


  • Sehr gut

    Von Franck Angel
    Das Buch ist wirklich interessant und je nach dem wie man es betrachtet kann man davon viel lernen. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut das Buch gelesen zu haben. So i could improve my english. „If today was yout last day, would you be happy to do what you do?“ Steve job
  • Will blow your mind!

    Von sachinshukla25
    Majestic! Passionate! Moving! Almost cried at the end.
  • Sehr schön

    Von ElamanAsankadyrov
    Das was sehr schön
  • Liebevolle Zusammenstellung

    Von Oliver Völ
    Das Leben von Steve Jobs und wie er Apple gründete und vorantrieb, in Originalquellen. Illustriert mit wunderschönen Fotos. Spannend und lehrreich!
  • Some really good thoughts

    Von Cybergirl0
    This is really good!
  • Beautiful

    Von Frkfrt
    A beautiful tribute in mesmerizing words and pictures. Thank you to Laurene, Leslie and the Steve Jobs Archive. Love from Frankfurt, Germany