Vision 2025 - the Startup Forecast - The Grumpy Entrepreneur & David Murray-Hundley

Vision 2025 - the Startup Forecast

von The Grumpy Entrepreneur & David Murray-Hundley

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2023-05-15
  • Genre: Branchen und Berufe


Welcome to the world of startups according to the Grumpy Entrepreneur. This book is a must-read for anyone brave (or foolish) enough to dive into the high-stakes, high-stress world of startup life over the next few years.

Inside, you'll find a guide as reliable as a Magic 8-ball, as insightful as a fortune cookie, and as prescient as a groundhog on February 2nd, all delivered with the signature charm of your favorite grumpy entrepreneur.

The Grumpy Entrepreneur, who has seen more pivots than a ballet dancer and weathered more rounds of funding than a Monopoly banker, will guide you through the chaos that is the startup ecosystem. Expect insights (both profound and profoundly obvious), forecasts (both accurate and wildly speculative), and advice (both useful and, well, less so).

From the terrifying terrain of market volatility to the murky waters of regulatory hurdles, from the buzzword bingo of AI and Machine Learning to the quagmire of fundraising in an economy as stable as a unicycle, this guide has got you covered.

But that's not all! The Grumpy Entrepreneur also provides a peek into the future with predictions for 2024 and 2025, using a blend of experience, cynicism, and a dartboard with various tech trends pinned to it.

So buckle up, put on your thickest skin, and dive into the world of startups with the grumpiest guide you could ask for. It's going to be a bumpy, hilarious, and enlightening ride. Just remember - if at first you don't succeed, there's always bankruptcy.

This book is not responsible for any failed startups, lost investments, or sudden urges to return to a 9-5 job