The system this manual introduces is is called Zettelkasten, a non-linear note filling system used by Niklas Luhmann, which resulted in a communication partner or so-called “second brain” of him. While it’s very close to a personal wiki in form, but how these two are created and what they are capable of are fundamentally different. Simply put, a Zettelkasten might be implemented by a wiki, but a wiki doesn’t have to be a Zettelkasten, most of them are not. It's so easy to be both underestimated and misunderstood, it is thus important to get a both full and correct understanding before practicing, the manual was kept as concise as possible to keep the reader’s focus. You can achieve more by adopting the system, but it is not a magic trick that can do the things for you without your effort at all, it guarantees your efforts made are not forgot or wasted and helps you to make the most out of your previous work (no matter how long ago) with less effort which will be exponentially powerful as your knowledge accumulates. There are parts of the system that may sounds familiar to you, but please be cautious when you do, because of the confirmation bias people tend to perceive things as what they are already familiar with, for example, people who know about the concept of a wiki tend to think that the essence of this system is just a wiki, which is a huge underestimation.