Treasures of Dharma: Certainty of Knowledge, Perfect for Liberation - Tarthang Tulku

Treasures of Dharma: Certainty of Knowledge, Perfect for Liberation

von Tarthang Tulku

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2024-02-29
  • Genre: Buddhismus


This collection of essays offers an overview of the Dharma activities of Tarthang Rinpoche, Head Lama of the Tibetan Nyingma Meditation Center, with a special emphasis on the text preservation work of the Yeshe De Project, whose decades-long efforts have resulted in one of the largest free text distributions in the history of the world. Originally published over the course of many years in works not widely available to the public, these essays have now been gathered in one place for all who wish to learn more about the scope and significance of Tarthang Rinpoche's contributions to the preservation of the Dharma.