The Terms of Negotiation - Quintin Rares

The Terms of Negotiation

von Quintin Rares

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2014-02-05
  • Genre: Management und Mitarbeiterführung


*Previously ranked in the top 5 bestselling dictionaries and thesauruses America and Australia*

"The terms of negotiation: glossary and bibliography of the science and practice of negotiation" is the glossary to the textbook "Negotiation: Science and Practice".

It contains over 500 pages of:
- summaries of much of the research in the field of negotiation;
- abstracts of the most important papers in the field (where available);
- definitions of the major terms in the field.

About the author: Quintin Rares is a practicing lawyer and is the (postgraduate) Unit of Study Coordinator of Business Negotiations at the University of Sydney, ranked in the top 25 universities in the world for social sciences and management and in the top 10 universities in the world for law (2012 QS World University Ranking). 

(Note: reference to "Lectures" in this title are references to additional lecture material in the textbook "Negotiation: Science and Practice"; this title is, however, a stand-alone publication and you need not purchase the textbook to use this publication.)