To Dance With Death (A Practical Guide To Mastering The Art Of The Sword) - Thomas Foster

To Dance With Death (A Practical Guide To Mastering The Art Of The Sword)

von Thomas Foster

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2014-02-15
  • Genre: Kampfsport und Selbstverteidigung


In my experience people are not awed by what they can understand, only by what they cannot. That is why books containing so much mystical mumbo jumbo nonsense attract readers. Sadly such nonsense will do you no good when it comes to actually learning the sword. That was my main reason for writing this book. I wanted to offer readers the opportunity to learn real, practical swordsmanship that works in real situations. Lessons that are practical, and can eventually lead to mastery of the sword, if one is diligent. There is no mystical, magical mumbo jumbo in this treatise, no nonsense, only what works. My books explains all aspects of the swords use, both the hows, and the whys. Whilst my book does not attempt to emulate Yoda talk, or use terminology that refers to the sky and moon as metaphors for different aspects of the sword use, it will teach you what you need to know, without the need for the type of ego affiliation that comes with style, and the terminology and mysticism that often goes with it. You will find no better guide to learning the sword than what is contained within these pages. I have labored to explain the use of the sword in a no nonsense, matter of fact way that "will" tell you all you need to know. As the book progresses the lessons become more in depth, as will your understanding of the swords use as you continue reading. With time, and practice the lessons contained within will begin to make more and more sense, and as they are not written to be riddles, or complex metaphors, understanding will come that much quicker. Within this book everything you read is matter of fact, and total reality, explained simply so that you may understand more readily. If you are looking to learn the sword for real, in its totality, without any of the mystical, magical metaphoric nonsense that often comes with learning such, than you would be wise to read more than just the sample of this book, as a mere snippet it will "not" teach you the sword, or give you a full view of what is contained herein.
If you are looking to become a Jedi, the next Yoda, or some sage old hermit like figure, this book most certainly is not for you, as those things are not reality. People of every stripe and make up may learn to master the sword if they so choose to work at it. No putting on of airs, or taking on an aura of false humility is required. This book will not make you humble, nor will it make you enlightened. That is not what martial arts, or their study do. They simply teach you how to fight. Anything else was added "after" such skills became somewhat antiquated, so as to add to their aura of attraction, so as to bring butts through martial arts schools doors, and increase the money within the school owners pockets. All such nonsense and fru fru garbage that has accumulated to make the sword and its learning more marketable, and which is consequently effected both its correct use, and how it should be taught, is completely omitted.
If you are looking to learn the sword, in terms of realistic use, and learn it correctly, without all the nonsense, and crap that has crept in over the centuries to make it more marketable as a commodity for sale, than this is the book for you. If you are looking to learn the sword as it was originally taught, as a weapon for killing, than this book is for you. If you wish to learn what it means to literally "Dance with Death" as the title is not a figurative statement at all, than this book is for you. Many lessons are contained within this book, and a goodly number of those lessons are applicable, and useful in ones daily life, however they are not the point behind its writing. That point is simply what is required to master the sword, and its use.