Sacred Sound - Alanna Kaivalya

Sacred Sound

von Alanna Kaivalya

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2014-03-15
  • Genre: Spiritualität


What has made Alanna Kaivalya so popular is her ability to bring storytelling to the understanding of the myths behind much of yoga practice. It is this practical and lively storytelling that both engages the reader and allows them a deeper understanding of their practice and its meaning in their lives. This was what made her first book so popular and it is this that she will bring to her new book.The first part of the book will contain all the mantras, and the second part will contain all the kirtans. There will be a general intro for the entire book, as well as an intro to each larger section (the kirtans and mantras). The intros will give the reader context for why the mantras or kirtans are important to a yoga practice, and how the reader can use the mantras/kirtans and accompanying insights as a way to deepen their own understanding of themselves and the yoga practice.