In the wake of the DOOMED storyline, the alien syndicate looks to reestablish its foothold on Earth. But the Venom-powered Red Hood looks for even more muscle in Kara as they go head to head with the scum and villainy of the galaxy.
Tom King, Sam Humphries, Bill Morrison, Steve Orlando, Frank J. Barbiere, Tony Bedard, Lee Weeks, Tom Grummett, Kelley Jones, Aaron Lopresti & Barry Kitson
Geoff Johns, James Robinson, Greg Rucka, Peter J. Tomasi, J.T. Krul, Tony Bedard, Dan Didio, Eric Wallace, Denys Cowan, Don Kramer, Travis Moore, Renato Arlem, Marcos Marz, Fernando Pasarin, Fabrizio Fiorentino, Ardian Syaf, Ibraim Roberson & Diogenes Neves
Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi, Tony Bedard, Peter Milligan, Doug Mahnke, Aaron Kuder, Fernando Pasarin, Miguel Sepulveda, ChrisCross, Patrick Gleason, Cully Hamner, Jerry Ordway, Ivan Reis & Ethan Van Sciver
Tony Bedard, Geoff Johns, Aaron Kuder, Andrei Bressan, Amilcar Pinna, Javier Pulido, J. Calafiore, Hendry Prasetya, Andres Guinaldo, Doug Mahnke, Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Cully Hamner & Jerry Ordway
Amanda Conner, Mark Russell, Dan Didio, Jeff Parker, Marc Andreyko, Tony Bedard, Howard Chaykin, Christopher Sebela, James Tynion IV, Jimmy Palmiotti, Howard Porter, Ben Caldwell, Ariel Olivetti, Pier Brito, Scott Hanna, Rick Leonardi, Phil Winslade & Steve Lieber