Articles from WW2 Pacific Theater - C. S. Forester

Articles from WW2 Pacific Theater

von C. S. Forester

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2014-10-10
  • Genre: Militärgeschichte


C.S. Forester followed the action the Pacific Theater during WW II with pen in hand ready to record and analyze the events as they unfolded. Although these stories are told by one of the world's greatest naval warfare novelists, the developments and bursts of human ingenuity as well as inevitable blunders  are not the creations of a storyteller, but the stuff and substance of the men and women fighting for the lives of millions.

Readers will experience the strain of naval operations from the time plans are drawn until troops land at their destinations and they will be gripped by the author's exploration of the Battle of the Philippines.  Finally and dramatically, they will witness a battle with wind and sea and fire as sinister and terrifying as an encounter with the most dangerous of enemies.

This rare collection of articles is complete with photos of battle scenes, enemy carriers,  maps showing the movement of opposing fleets, Coast Guardsmen and sailors in action,  and the men in command. Originally published separately in the Saturday Evening Post during WW II, eNet Press is pleased to make Articles from WW2, Pacific Theater available for the first time in digital form.